Claiming Self Education Expenses as a Tax Deduction

Did you know if you work and study at the same time and incur self-education expenses, you may be able to claim those expenses as a tax deduction?

To be eligible to claim your current employment and the course you undertake must have a "sufficient connection" and you must satisfy at least one of these conditions:Top of Form

  • you are upgrading your qualifications for your current employment – for example, upgrading from a Bachelor qualification to a Masters qualification
  • you are improving specific skills or knowledge used in your current employment – for example, a course that will allow you to operate more machinery at work
  • you are employed as a trainee and you are undertaking a course that forms part of that traineeship – for example, an overseas trained person employed as an intern while doing a bridging course
  • you can show that at the time you were working and studying, your course led, or was likely to lead, to an increase in employment income – for example, a teacher who will automatically get a pay increase as a result of completing the course.

If you meet the eligibility requirements; the following self-education expenses are allowable tax deductions:

  • tuition fees, including fees payable under FEE-HELP (this does not include expenses paid under HECS-HELP)
  • tuition fees, including fees payable under VET FEE-HELP
  • self-education expenses paid with your OS-HELP loan
  • textbooks, professional and trade journals
  • stationery
  • photocopying
  • computer expenses
  • student union fees
  • student services and amenities fees
  • accommodation and meals, where the course requirements require you to be away from home for one or more nights
  • running expenses if you have a room set aside for self-education purposes – such as the cost of heating, cooling and lighting that room while you are studying in it
  • allowable travel expenses.

Some of these expenses may need to be apportioned and/or depreciated.

To ensure that you maximise your tax refund and correctly claim for Self –Education expenses, please contact us to have one of our tax agents prepare your return.

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